woman sits on chair and spray perfume on her neck - Picot

The lifestyle approach to this shoot was coupled with Picot’s philosophy of building nurturing self care rituals with their wide array of non-toxic products. Serving as visual reminders of the importance of slowing down.

hand rests on top of candle with lid - Picot
woman sits on bed drinking coffee in the reflection of the mirror - Picot
lit candle sits on table with products in the background - Picot
tea bag sits on table with loose herbs in tea pot - Picot
book, tea cup and bag of tea sits on table - Picot
woman sits on couch with book and coffee - Picot
essential oil bottles rest on table - Picot
essential oils sit in front of diffuser on top of books - Picot
products sit against pink backdrop - Picot
products sit on a rock and hand holds a spray into the air - Picot